This is unfamiliar territory for me. My son is my third child, but my first boy.
As happens with most parents when they're holding their new baby in their arms, my thoughts turned to what the future might be like for my little one. I've thought about this a lot where my girls are concerned, but this is the first time I've thought about raising a son.
I'm a little worried. There are a lot of issues facing males today that we as a society really don't spend a lot of time talking about.
Like the gender education gap.
Young boys are generally more rambunctious than young girls and mature at a slower pace. Yet in our education system, where female teachers dominate, policy is geared toward girls. Recess and physical education time is being diminished. Material that might hook young males into an educational experience — stories and games about pirates and battles, for instance — is deemed too violent.
"Girl behavior is the gold standard in schools," writes psychologist Michael Thompson in his book, Raising Cain: Protecting the emotional life of boys.
Boys are treated like defective girls."
That makes school a tough environment for boys, and it is starting to show up in higher education enrollment. "In 1994, 63 percent of recent female high school graduates and 61 percent of recent male high school graduates were enrolled in college in the fall following graduation," a 2014 study from the Pew Research Center states.
"By 2012, the share of young women enrolled in college immediately after high school had increased to 71 percent, but it remained unchanged for young men at 61 percent."
Women also are succeeding in college where men are not. According to a 2014 report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers, since around 2005, there have been more women attaining at least a bachelor's degree every year than men.
In fact, the percentage of men attaining at least a bachelor's degree has been in decline since the late 1990s.
We talk a lot about helping girls achieve in education, which is something I can appreciate as a father to two daughters. But are we helping girls at the expense of boys?
And how about the area of health? Women live longer than men. In fact, women on average live about five years longer than men.
But have you ever wondered why women live longer? Or why that never seems to come up when the debate turns to gender inequality?
Activists talk a lot about the gender wage gap, but rarely do you hear anyone talk about the gender death gap. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2013 there were 13 men who died on the job for every woman. That same year, the incidence rate for non-fatal injuries and illnesses for men was 119.2 per 10,000 full-time workers. For women, it was 97.
In North Dakota, workplace fatalities involving men in 2013 were more than 10 times the number of fatalities for women.
And speaking of death, did you know that men commit suicide a lot more often than women?
Historically, men have a suicide rate that's about 4 times higher than females, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. And suicide rates are highest by far among caucasians.
"White males accounted for 70 percent of all suicides in 2013," reports the AFSP.
Again, political activists tell us that white males are privileged. But if that's true, why do so many more white men kill themselves?
My point is not that men have a grievance or that the plight of males is worse than that of [insert victim group here]. My point is that our modern obsession with victimhood and identity politics has us failing to see the forest for the trees.
It's my hope that my son will grow up to be successful based on his merits and effort. But I worry that in a society where what you are in terms of race or gender has come to mean more than who you are as an individual, that might not be entirely possible.
Quelques points en français :
"Je suis un peu inquiet. Il ya beaucoup de problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les hommes aujourd'hui"
"Comme l'écart de scolarisation entre les sexes."
"Les jeunes garçons sont généralement plus exubérant que les jeunes filles et mature à un rythme plus lent. Pourtant, dans notre système d'éducation, où les femmes dominent les enseignants, la politique est orientée vers les filles. Recess et l'heure d'éducation physique est en train de diminuer. Matériel qui pourraient accrocher les jeunes hommes dans une expérience éducative - histoires et des jeux de pirates et de batailles, par exemple - est jugée trop violente."
"Cela rend l'école un environnement difficile pour les garçons, et il commence à apparaître dans l'enseignement supérieur inscription. "En 1994, 63 pour cent des récents diplômés du secondaire de sexe féminin et 61 pour cent des récents diplômés de sexe masculin du secondaire étaient inscrits au collège à l'automne suivant l'obtention du diplôme," une étude 2014 des États Pew Research Center."
"En 2012, la part des jeunes femmes inscrits au collège immédiatement après l'école secondaire avait augmenté à 71 pour cent, mais il est resté inchangé pour les jeunes hommes à 61 pour cent."
"En fait, le pourcentage d'hommes atteindre au moins un baccalauréat est en déclin depuis la fin des années 1990."
"Nous parlons beaucoup aider les filles à atteindre en matière d'éducation, qui est quelque chose que je peux comprendre en tant que père de deux filles. Mais nous aidons les filles au détriment des garçons ?"
"Selon le Bureau of Labor Statistics, en 2013, il y a 13 hommes qui sont morts au travail pour chaque femme. Cette même année, le taux d'incidence des blessures non mortelles et des maladies chez les hommes était 119,2 par 10 000 travailleurs à temps plein. Pour les femmes, c'est 97"
"Dans le Dakota du Nord, les décès au travail impliquant des hommes en 2013 étaient plus de 10 fois le nombre de décès pour les femmes."
"Et en parlant de la mort, saviez-vous que les hommes se suicident beaucoup plus souvent que les femmes?"
"Historiquement, les hommes ont un taux de suicide est environ 4 fois plus élevé que chez les femmes, selon la Fondation américaine pour la prévention du suicide. Et les taux de suicide sont les plus élevés de loin chez les Caucasiens."
"Les hommes blancs ont représenté 70 pour cent de tous les suicides en 2013", rapporte l'AFSP."