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Onu Femme 2

Voilà des extraits des propositions d'Onu Femme ce que nous appellerons dans quelles années évolution de société et programmaient de nombreuses années auparavant par l'idéologie féministe ses réseaux et organisations. L'ensemble des propositions et l'idéologie ne nous étonnent pas nous l'avons vu à l'oeuvre par exemple ONU FEMME. Chacun est libre nous avous laisserons lire ces extraits :

4.The Commission reaffirms that the promotion and protection of, and respect for, the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all women and girls, including the right to development, which are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated, are crucial for women’s economic empowerment and should be mainstreamed into all policies and programmes aimed at the eradication of poverty and women’s economic empowerment, and also reaffirms the need to take measures to ensure that every person is entitled to participate in, contribute to and enjoy economic, social, cultural and political development, and that equal attention and urgent consideration should be given to the promotion, protection andfull realization of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.(Based on CSW Agreed Conclusions)

5. The Commission recognizes that while there has been progress in the increased number of women elected or appointed to decision-making positions and while gender quotas have substantially contributed to women’s representation in national and local legislatures, progress is too slow and full gender parity is far from being reachedat all evels of the executive and legislative branches of government and the public sector.(Based on E/CN.6/2021/3, para 9 and 16)

6. The Commission expresses concern that women remain significantly underrepresented in all aspects of decision-makingandthat violence against women in public life is widespread, whileorganized opposition to women’s participationin public life is sometimes strong and violent. It notes thatfailure to expedite women’s participation and decision-making in public life and the elimination of violence against women will make it impossible to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.(Based on E/CN.6/2021/3, para 3and7)

9. The Commissionrecognizes the need to implement international and national commitments and norms, including through temporary special measures, create more enabling environments and institutional systems, eliminateviolence against women in public life and strengthen the voice, agency, participation and leadershipof women who face multiple and intersectingforms of discrimination, to reach equality in participation and decision-making in public life. (Based on E/CN.6/2021/3, para 4)10. The Commission emphasizes that all people have an equal right to participate in their country’s government through public office and informal leadership, that it is necessary to address inequality between men and women in the sharing of power,and thatwomen’s equal access to and full participation in decision-making, including in the private sector,isa critical strategy for achieving gender equality. (Based on E/CN.6/2021/3, para 2)11. The Commission acknowledges the important contributions made by women’s organizations to promote legislation and mechanisms to advancegender equality, eliminate laws that are discriminatory against women and increase women’s inclusion in public life. (Based on E/CN.6/2021/3, para 30

13. The Commission recognizes that negative social norms and gender stereotypes can threaten women’s rightsand participation in public life, and that efforts to increase understanding of gender equality and women’s rights to participate in public life and decision-making, including the support and political will of male leaders, are vital for accelerating changes to social norms.(Based on E/CN.6/2021/3, para 47 and 50)

16. The Commission urges governments at all levels and as appropriate, with the relevant entities of the United Nations system and international and regional organizations, within their respective mandates and bearing in mind nationalpriorities, and invites civil society, inter alia, women’s organizations, youth-led organizations, feminist groups, the private sector, national human rights institutions, where they exist, and other relevant stakeholders, as applicable, to take the following actions:(Based on CSWAgreed Conclusions)Strengthen normative, legal and regulatory frameworks (a)Fully implement existing commitments and obligations with respect to the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, and the full and equal enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms;(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65

Strengthen normative, legal and regulatory frameworks

(a)Fully implement existing commitments and obligations with respect to the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, and the full and equal enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms;(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (a)

(b)Undertake comprehensive reforms to eliminate laws, policies and regulations that discriminate against women;(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (b))

c)Establish targets, action plans and timelines to achieve gender parity for all executive, legislative and administrative positions, as well as in public commissions, tasks forces and negotiations teams; (E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (c))

d)Appoint women to executive positions to form local and national gender parity cabinets;(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (d)

e)Adopt electoral genderquota lawswith 50 per cent targets and ensure implementation through rank order rules and sanctions for non-compliance; (E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (e))

f)Adopt and effectively implement a range of regulations and temporary special measures for the public and private sectors to accelerate equal participation of women in decision-making and leadership, including for women facing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (f))

g)Repeal or amend legal provisions that contribute to the shrinking of civic space and reduce women’s organizations’ abilities to register, engage in advocacy, receive external funding, and report on rights issues;(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (g))

h)Improve collection and use of globally comparable data, disaggregated by sex, age and other factors on women’s participation and decision-making in public administration, the judiciary, political parties and other areas of political and public life; (E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (h)

Strengthen gender-responsive institutional reforms

(q)Ensure gender-sensitive approaches to COVID-19 pandemic response and recovery by appointingwomen and gender equality advocates to leadership positions through gender parity targets for relevant task forces, standing committees and other decision-making bodies;(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (q))

r)Resource specialized gender equality committees or commissions and women’s caucuses, and networking forums, as well as institutional capacity-building on gender equality in parliaments, ministriesand public administration;(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (r)

(u)Increase transparency in institutions and allow members of women’s organizations and feminist movementsaccess to debates and decision-making processes, to voice their opinions and share their expertise;(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (u

v)Create conditions and incentives for women candidates’ campaigns to be financially supported by public and private funds, including through gender-sensitive political financing, subsidies for childcare, fundraising networks and non-partisan crowdfunding and endowments; (E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (v))

w)Incentivize political parties to finance women’s campaigns and promote their leadership;(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (w))

x)Raise the percentage of official development assistance funds that go to standalone gender equality targets and women’s organizations;(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (x))

(y)Increase the quality and quantity of funding available to support women in public life through the creation and financing of specific funds that prioritize direct funding to women’s organizations and feminist movements;(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (y

(aa)Implement awareness raising measures and sensitize community and religious leaders, themedia, men and boys and different generations of women to counter social norms that restrict women’s rights and participation in public life and decision-making and to take deliberate action to adjust them;(E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (aa))

cc)Increase young women’s representation and participation in public life through community outreach, mentoring, capacity development programmes and early exposure to legislative and policymaking spaces; (E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (cc)

(ee)Fund and support public information campaigns with positive messages and images of women’s role in public life to help change stereotypes; (E/CN.6/2021/3, para 65 (ee))

Text presented by the CSW65 Bureau3 February 2021617. The Commission recognizes its primary role for the follow-up to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, in which its work is grounded, and stresses that it is critical to address and integrate gender equality and the empowermentof all women and girls throughout national, regional and global reviews of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and to ensure synergies between the follow-up to the Beijing Platform for Action and the gender-responsive follow-up to the 2030 Agenda. (Based on CSWAgreed Conclusions)

18. The Commission calls upon the United Nations system entities, within their respective mandates, and other relevant international financial institutions and multi-stakeholder platforms to support Member States, upon their request, in their efforts to ensurewomen’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, as well as the elimination of violence, for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. (Based on CSWAgreed Conclusions)

19. The Commission calls upon the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) to continue to play a central role in promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls and in supporting Governments and national women’s machineries, upon their request, in coordinating the United Nations system and in mobilizing civil society, the private sector, employers’ organizations and trade unions, and other relevant stakeholders, at all levels, in support of the full, effective and accelerated implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the gender-responsive implementation of the 2030 Agenda, including women's full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, as well as the elimination of violence, for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. (Based on CSWAgreed Conclusion)




Une remarque lorsqu'il y avait la crise économique de 2008 aux Etats-Unis on expliquaient qu'il fallait que les hommes changent dans leur orientation professionnelle car c'était les plus touché par le chômage, les entreprises qui étaient gouvernées que par les hommes était plus fragile etc... . Là  dès les premières apparitions du Covid l'agenda féministe c'est encore mis en route voire le compte twitter de Mme Schiappa et tous les autres communiqués relatifs à cette idéologie. La fondation des femmes c'est un des nombreux relais de l'idéologie féministe radicale on n'y trouve tout  quota, parité, STM, objectif de féminisation, école,... .

La situation professionnelle des femmes s'est dégradée en raison de la crise du Covid-19, selon une étude publiée dimanche par la Fondation des femmes, qui s'inquiète d'un plan de relance privilégiant selon elle des secteurs où les femmes sont sous-représentées.